ENG 2002 Interpretive Reading BBA
Final Scores now online

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File Size: | 26 kb |
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ENG 2002 BBA Classes
(NMB 403)
Sign in deadline is 9.30am for each class
Important dates
February 23 - The Boogeyman / All God's Children Can Dance
March 2 - The Mirror / The Last Rung on the Ladder
March 7 - Thailand / The Landlady
March 9 - Superfrog Saves Tokyo / The Ledge
March 10 - Quitters Inc / The Girl from Ipanema
March 14 - Skin / Survivor Type
March 16 - Work on folder
March 17 - Hand in group folder before the Final exam. Arrive at 9am.
March 2 - The Mirror / The Last Rung on the Ladder
March 7 - Thailand / The Landlady
March 9 - Superfrog Saves Tokyo / The Ledge
March 10 - Quitters Inc / The Girl from Ipanema
March 14 - Skin / Survivor Type
March 16 - Work on folder
March 17 - Hand in group folder before the Final exam. Arrive at 9am.
Group Project (30%)
4 members per group maximum
The project should cover all the stories above (in the 'Important dates' section, 12 in total). Things to consider in the folder are as follows:
1. Themes
2. Imagery
3. Symbolism
4. Character
5. Style
6. Point of view
7. Effectiveness
You don't have to consider all elements, they are only for guidance. But DO NOT focus on the plot.
-One page means one side of A4 paper (not 2 sides)
-Use your space wisely.
-Each page does not have to follow the same style as your other group members' styles.
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File Size: | 14 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Course Information and syllabus
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eng_2002_course_syllabus_new.docx | |
File Size: | 45 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Course Book and mp3s

eng_2002_book_2015.pdf | |
File Size: | 3316 kb |
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General Rules
- Do not use phones for social networking in class. Phones can only be used for dictionaries or to access course materials. Using them for social networking can lead to a loss of attendance.
- Do not sign in your friends in the morning or you will lose your attendance score
- Do not copy or cheat
- Confirm your attendance in the class
- There are no re-takes permitted for this course. If you fail the course you must re-take it when is next offered
Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Please check all of the pages of the course website before emailing me.