EN291 Mythological Background in Literature (Evening Class)
Final scores

en291_evening_class_2014_final_scores.xlsx | |
File Size: | 24 kb |
File Type: | xlsx |
Important dates
Dec 28 -
Jan 2 -
Jan 4 -
Jan 7 - Quiz
Jan 14 - Final exam
Jan 18 - Presentations
Jan 2 -
Jan 4 -
Jan 7 - Quiz
Jan 14 - Final exam
Jan 18 - Presentations
Course videos can be found here:
You will need a torrent client to download them. The series is called "Clash of the Gods" and we will likely get through the first 5 episodes during the course. If you want subtitles, use VLC media player to open the video and download the subtitles from Google. It should be an 'srt file.'
You will need a torrent client to download them. The series is called "Clash of the Gods" and we will likely get through the first 5 episodes during the course. If you want subtitles, use VLC media player to open the video and download the subtitles from Google. It should be an 'srt file.'
Presentation grading
Create your own myth. Be original and use your imagination.
Do not change the characteristics and relationships of the gods, heroes, titans and humans described in the book. The themes should stay the same.
You can present your myth using a medium of your choice such as a role-play, pre-recorded movie, a power point presentation or a comic/picture story (or a combination of all) etc. Be original and use your imagination.
The presentation will be graded as a group (everyone in your group will receive the same score)
You will be scored out of 20. You are free to choose your time, however it is your responsibility to be ready for it on one of the two presentation days.
Faithfulness to original myth 10
Originality and creativity 10
Total 20
Do not change the characteristics and relationships of the gods, heroes, titans and humans described in the book. The themes should stay the same.
You can present your myth using a medium of your choice such as a role-play, pre-recorded movie, a power point presentation or a comic/picture story (or a combination of all) etc. Be original and use your imagination.
The presentation will be graded as a group (everyone in your group will receive the same score)
You will be scored out of 20. You are free to choose your time, however it is your responsibility to be ready for it on one of the two presentation days.
Faithfulness to original myth 10
Originality and creativity 10
Total 20

grading_scheme_en291_presentation.docx | |
File Size: | 13 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Course book

classical_mythology_the_greeks.pdf | |
File Size: | 760 kb |
File Type: |
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Course book mp3 lectures
Course Information and syllabus
Please see the following file for full course information:

en291_2013_course_information.docx | |
File Size: | 35 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Alternative textbooks (can be used for research)

greek_and_roman_mythology_a_to_z.pdf | |
File Size: | 4475 kb |
File Type: |

kingsley_charles_-_the_heroes.pdf | |
File Size: | 212 kb |
File Type: |
Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions (not Facebook). Please check all of the pages of the course website before emailing me. Facebook messages will be deleted and ignored.
There are no re-takes permitted for this course. If you fail the course you must re-take it when is next offered