In today's class we:
Went through the answers to Quiz 1
-John Lennon
- Did a translation exercise (see below)
- Discussed the video exercise from the last class (based on the Fawlty Towers episode 'Communication Problems')
- Re-capped vowel sounds from the previous 2 classes
- Single vowel exclamations (see below)
- Introduced 2 new UNSTRESSED vowel sounds /ə/ banana and /I/ orange
- Did exercise 7.2
- Looked at the Scouse or 'Liverpudlian' accent and its features. Here are 2 famous Scousers;
-John Lennon
- Did an unstressed vowel spotting exercise from people's names Looked at consonant sounds Looked at 3 new consonant sounds /ð/ the (voiced) AND /θ/ thought (unvoiced) AND /ŋ/ sing
- Did exercise 17.1-17.4
- Introduced Minimal Pairs- "A minimal pair is a pair of words with only 1 phonetic difference e.g. blessed and blast"
- Did a video exercise based on an episode of The Wire focusing on American v British
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