In today's class we:
- Went through factors that may influence writing personal request letters
- Looked at different techniques we may use when writing personal request letters
- Did a personal request letter writing exercise based on 1 of 3 unique scenarios
- Went through some of the best examples in class
- Spent some time preparing for the main presentation "The Construction of a Letter"
- Did a letter analysis exercise focusing on Kurt Cobain's 'suicide' letter. Click here for the original letter
- Did quiz 2
- Spent more time in our groups preparing for the main presentation
Lee's letter
Notice the use of metaphor to approach a potentially embarrassing situation with the use of humour. It is a sensitive and friendly way to request something that shouldn't be done too directly
Johnny's letter
This letter uses a mixture of friendly informal language with more formal language. The actual request is written formally and the structure of the letter is formal (including the signature) but there are enough friendly parts to keep the letter friendly and cordial (as this is his neighbour)
Parida's letter
This letter is very direct (remember it is written to a 'rude' neighbour). It is very strong and some may say the final part of the last sentence is a bit too threatening. However it is a good example of a formally written direct and forceful letter.