EN405 Precise, Features and Letter Writing
EN405 Classes
All scores online. I left the exams in the office and just submitted the final scores to the office
Register (I will upload scores day by day)
en_405_2012_final_scores.xlsx | |
File Size: | 36 kb |
File Type: | xlsx |
Main presentation "The Construction of a Letter"
-Quality (5 points), Information (5 points), Interest (5 points)
-Get the title correct and do not include irrelevant information
Group Type of letter
3, 4, 6 Complaint Letter
2, 5 Request Letter
10, 7 Recommendation Letter
8, 1 Letter of Intent
9, 12 Resignation Letter
3, 4, 6 Complaint Letter
2, 5 Request Letter
10, 7 Recommendation Letter
8, 1 Letter of Intent
9, 12 Resignation Letter
Dates and information
September 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 26, 29
The exam will take place on September 29th
The exam will take place on September 29th
Course dates
September 12
September 15
September 17 Quiz 1
September 19 "My special letter" project
September 22 Quiz 2
September 24
September 26 Presentations / Asean conference 1pm?
September 29 Final exam
September 15
September 17 Quiz 1
September 19 "My special letter" project
September 22 Quiz 2
September 24
September 26 Presentations / Asean conference 1pm?
September 29 Final exam
Course book
websters_new_world_letter_writing_handbook.pdf | |
File Size: | 4156 kb |
File Type: |
Course Information and syllabus
The following file contains information about the course including the course syllabus and class dates
en405_course_information.docx | |
File Size: | 38 kb |
File Type: | docx |
Time of exam on Saturday 29th
Get here for 9am. We will start shortly after
Location of exam
Dictionaries in the exam?
Dictionaries are not allowed. This is due to the danger of people cheating by copying notes into it. It is safer if everyone does not have a dictionary and therefore everyone definitely does not cheat. The focus will be on essay skills and structure, not spelling (although it will have some impact)
My Special Letter Project (Wednesday 19th)
- "My Special Letter Project" is the title of the project.
- It should be 5-10 minutes (nearer 10 is better)
- The tips below are merely a guideline. Points will be given purely on how "Interesting, informative and how fun" it is.
- Don't choose comedy letters or anything from Harry Potter. Something historical or real is better.
- Wednesday 19th September is the date for this project. It will be in the morning session.
- We will arrange the times on the day so please come prepared and ready to present. If you don't have anything to present then you will get 0.
- Have fun and enjoy this!
You are only allowed to miss 1 class. If you miss more than that you are not eligible to take the final exam (according to the recently enforced IIS rules). Please speak to the office if you need more information about it.
There are no re-takes permitted for this course. If you fail the course you must re-take it when is next offered
Please email me at [email protected] if you have any questions. Please check all of the pages of the course website before emailing me.